Cost-effectiveness of orthoptic-delivered screening versus school nurse screening

The authors describe a long-term audit of outcomes and costs associated with referrals from two established neighbouring school-entry vision screening services in the UK over one academic year with one adhering to national UK screening guidelines more closely than the...

Amblyopia prevalence in Bulgaria

The purpose of this study was to establish the prevalence of amblyopia in children aged 4 to 10 years in Bulgaria. This cross-section epidemiology study had proportional stratified sample methods across five cities in Western Bulgaria. Of 1675 children, 42...

Comparison of vision screening programmes

The purpose was to examine the treatment that children underwent as a result of being identified with reduced vision at school screening. The level of improvement in vision was identified and the time taken to achieve maximum visual acuity. There...

Screening accuracy

In this study the authors observed whether and how well orthoptic tests are performed by non-orthoptists in a screening setting. They assessed the quality of screening tests by semi-structured observations of youth health care (YHC) physicians who screened children aged...